Earn With FinPay Payments’ Incentive Program

Earn With Elivalat Fintech’s Incentive Program
We believe that our developers are the gateway to 100% eCommerce adoption across Africa and we want to work with YOU!

Through our Developers Incentive Program, we work with web developers who create webshops using the most common platforms such as Woocommerce, Shopify Prestashop etc to get a piece of the “eCommerce pie.”

How To Start Earning
Elivalat Fintech will “onboard” you as our partner developer and expose our API’s and plugins for you to familiarize yourself with our products which makes it easier to connect our payment solution for your existing and/or new clients. In return, they’ll earn a commission based on full integration and transaction volumes.

Account Referral
Each account that is fully connected to our solution, you’ll receive USD 20
Transaction Volumes
You’ll earn a percentage of the transaction volumes for all the accounts you bring on board for a period of three months.
% amount will be based on the merchant type

How To Get Started
Simply reach out to us via info@elivalat.com.

and our team lead will take you through our simple onboarding process.

Optimize Your Ecommerce to Accept All Payments

You’ve worked hard to get your customers to your website and now you’re banking on a seamless customer journey to finalize the sale, does it go through?

Making sure your e-commerce is optimized to make it easier for your customers to shop and pay online is key to avoiding drop-offs or worse, losing out to your competitor. We’ve gathered a few tips on how you can make sure you’re making customer experience a priority.

Simplify your checkout page
Did you know that about 30% of people will abandon the checkout page if the process is too long or complicated? That’s almost a third of your sales. Try and keep the process to one page with only the most important information to collect to make it appealing and easier for your customer. 

Allow your customers to shop with or without an account 
Making your customers register for an account before paying is appealing as it creates much-needed customer profiles for your marketing effectiveness. However, it’s also a conversion killer, with 35% of people saying they would abandon the payment page if forced to do so. Instead, provide the option of guest checkout, and you can always prompt the user to register their account after payment.

Give your customers the freedom to pay how they want
At the end of the day, money is money, regardless of whether it arrives via card, bank, or mobile money. By letting your customers decide how they’ll pay you give them confidence to buy more and become loyal as you provide flexibility and convenience in shopping. 

Get the right payment service provider to work with
With FinPay, your customers can pay using all major payment modes such as Visa, Mastercard, Amex, mPesa, and much more. Contact us today and we’ll take you through our quick and easy setup for your web shop today.

How to Prepare Post Covid Business

The Covid-19 pandemic affected key sectors and caused a drop in Kenya’s GPD by 5.7% in 2020 compared to a growth of 5.3% during the same period the previous year. How can your business bounce back in the post Covid era?

We can all agree that 2020 was a roller-coaster ride for most businesses. Besides the drop in GDP the implementation of lockdown measures, curfew, travel restrictions, closure of bars, and suspension of learning have made it harder for businesses to operate.

Luckily, Kenya’s GDP is expected to rebound by 6.9% this year. We hope that as the economy recovers, your business will see a rise in activity and revenue.

Unfortunately, the war against Covid-19 is still on, and some restrictions have trickled into this year. To help you cope, we have created a list to help you bounceback (including our very own payment solutions to boost revenue collection).

Let us begin.

Carry out SWOT analysis.

Given the current state of the economy, it has become necessary for businesses to leverage their strengths.

A proper SWOT analysis can help you:

  • Grow your accounts
  • Create better business relationships
  • Increase your profits
  • Mitigate industry risks
  • Implement efficient operating procedures
  • Understand which products sell well and why
  • Remain competitive within your industry

Focus on any internal and external factors that can affect your growth and find relevant solutions. Identify why you are not selling more to existing customers and why reps are having a hard time closing business.

Reduce your costs

In times of financial crisis, you need to cut costs to stay afloat. Unfortunately, for most businesses, this means letting go of employees. However, there are easier ways to cut your costs and still keep your workforce.

They include:

  • Increasing safety measures to lower your medical and insurance costs
  • Reviewing procedures and ensuring efficiency.
  • Reducing damage to equipment.
  • Re-organizing work rosters to prevent the need for overtime.
  • Shopping around for cheaper suppliers.
  • Working with efficient and affordable payment service providers.

Encourage remote working

Over the last couple of months, many businesses have taken to working remotely, so could you. There are a few challenges, especially when training new employees. However, adopting a learning management system can help.

You can also implement collaboration software to help teams stay on top of their tasks. Additionally, you can use employee tracking systems to help monitor employee performance out of the office. You can:

  • Monitor employee productivity
  • Obtain the status of every task
  • Record data over time to identify trends.

If all this seems like too much, you can have regular phone check-ins with your employees to stay updated. Either way, encouraging working from home can help you cut down on office space and save your business some money.

Use cheaper, convenient payment collection methods

The need for social distancing has pushed consumers towards online shopping platforms. Your business can be the solution they need.

You are in a unique position to provide services and products through your online platform. Plus, you get a chance to tap into a larger market.

To help you out, we have devised a payment solution that allows you to receive online card payments (Mastercard, Visa, and Amex) and Mpesa payments straight to your bank account.

Through a simple integration process, you can give your customers multiple payment options and boost your check out rate.

(Speak to one of our representatives)

We can help you prepare your post Covid business

If you are looking for a way to save on your costs, keep your business running smoothly, and keep your customers happy, we are here to help.

Our payment infrastructure supports online businesses. Let us take care of your payment collection while you focus on growing your business.
